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Rustig en beheerscht: Nederlands gevangenispersoneel tijdens de Duitse bezetting, 1940-1945
Schiphol als Nederlands militair vliegveld 1916-1940
Schweinfurt - The Battle Within the Battle for the U.S. 8th Air Force
Sexual Violence in Europe in World War II, 1939-1945
Spaanse Burgeroorlog: Nagedachtenis aan de Nederlandse vrijwiliggers die vielen
Steenderen in de jaren 1940-1945
Stone-Cold Killers or Drunk with Murder? Alcohol and Atrocity during the Holocaust
Studie ‘The German Intelligence Services in The Netherlands, 1940-1945’ door de HQ Canadian Forces in the Netherlands
Tagesbefehlen der Wehrmachtsbefehlshaber in den Niederlanden (22 mrt. - 14 aug. 1941) -Originele documenten-
The Brown Book: War and Nazi Criminals in West Germany
The Failed Bombing Offensive: A Reexamination Of The Combined Bomber Offensive In 1943
The horror and the glory: Bomber Command in British memories since 1945
The Liberation Of The Netherlands
The Matter Of Josef Mengele
The Memoirs Of Field-Marshal The Viscount Montgomery Of Alamein
The Nazi Who Became a Mossad Hitman
The Sinti & Roma Holocaust in Eastern Europe
The story of 79th armoured Division october 1942 - 1945 (E)
The Story of Jews Who Sought Revenge For the Holocaust: An Eye For An Eye
The trains of The Holocaust (The Jewish Holocaust Series)
This Cannot Happen Here Integration and Jewish Resistance in the Netherlands, 1940-1945
To encourage airmen who were aided by Resistance organizations of foreign countries to continue friendships with those who helped them
Toldijk: 'Vom England Frau, Fliegers vom England, und der Engländer ist gut Mensch’.
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